Women’s economic empowerment

Financial inclusion


Dignified work

Inclusive value chains

Women Empowerment

Inequality and the low status of women and girls have vast political, economic, and social
Women of Courage Network
Women and girls make up more than half the Uganda’s population. Yet far too often, their voices, experiences, and contributions are overlooked or undervalued. They are underrepresented in the halls of political and economic power and overrepresented in poverty, while barriers from gender-based violence and lack of political and economic opportunities, to laws that hold women to a different standard block the path to progress.

Help our Women in Society

This can limit the ability of communities to resolve conflict and boost their families to grow enough food.
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Women Protection in Society

The untapped potential of women remains a lost opportunity for economic
growth and development.
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Adolescent girls

Why adolescent girls?
Girls are stalled between school and productive work: more than a third 34% of young women in in Uganda are jobless out of the labor force and not in school.
Although the gender gap in school enrolment has been closing, the gender gap in labor force participation is on the rise. Reaching girls during adolescence is critical decisions made and behaviors established during this period affect their horizons later in life.

Gender-based violence

WOCONET is working to further gender equality and women’s empowerment and to address the physical and emotional consequences of gender-based violence.