Adolescent girls

Why adolescent girls?
Girls are stalled between school and productive work: more than a third—34%—of young
women in in Uganda are jobless—out of the labor force and not in school. Although the gender
gap in school enrolment has been closing, the gender gap in labor force participation is on the
rise. Reaching girls during adolescence is critical—decisions made and behaviors established
during this period affect their horizons later in life. Adolescence for boys typically ushers
increased mobility and autonomy, but for girls it often comes with increased restrictions —fewer
opportunities and less freedom to exercise choice. During this formative period in their lives it is
important to provide adolescent girls with the tools they need to become economically
empowered young women
WOCONET supports Adolescent Girls transition from school to productive employment through
innovative interventions that are tested, and then scaled-up or replicated if successful.
WOCONET menu of interventions includes business development skills training, technical and
vocational training targeting skills in high demand, as well as life-skills training. Because
the evidence on what works in facilitating the transition of adolescent girls and young women to
productive work is thin, rigorous impact evaluation is an important part of the program. Impact
evaluations will also help build the case for replication and scaling up based on rates of success.